Litfest 2019 Program

05 – 07 July 2019
 Maximilianstraße 6-14, 95444 Bayreuth

“Crises and Responsibilities. kNOWledges in Academia, Arts and Activism”

The 9th edition of the BIGSAS Festival of African and African-diasporic literature will be dedicated to “crisis” – and respective knowledges and responsibilities. For one thing, we talk about environmentalism in the context of a Friday for Future demonstration. For another, the so called “refugee crisis” is under scrutiny. Readings, performances, concerts, a vernissage, scholarly lectures and panel discussions, workshops will frame a dialogue of academia, activism and the arts from Africa, the MENA region, respective diasporas and beyond.
Friday, 05. July 2019 #fridaysforfuture 

Activism On - Resistance United
kNOWledges of Crises
kNOWledges for Futures

The first day of the festival will be opened by a Friday For Future+ demonstration, reminding ourselves that the younger generations hold us accountable for our knowledge and actions in this very NOW. We address the urge to protect the planet and stop discrimination, visiting ways in which knowledge can generate alternate futureS. The plus+ invites all generations and represents a complementary focus on migration and being refugeed and respective resistance and activism.

11: 00 – 13:00 Fridays for Future+ with Street Music & Performance

11 Uhr Campus, Uni Bayreuth, Universitätsstr. 30
12 Uhr Wilhelm-Busch Str. 2
13 Uhr La-Spezia-Platz

13:00 – 14:00 Demonstration Rally at La-Spezia-Platz & Opening of Festival

Fachschaft SpLit, University of Bayreuth
Team, BIGSAS-Festival of African and African-diasporic Literatures


14:00 Opening of Festival & Reception

Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt, BIGSAS-Literaturfestival
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seesemann Spokesperson "Africa Multiple" Cluster of Excellence
Dr. Beate Kuhn, Mayor City of Bayreuth

15:00 – 15:25 Film Screening “Pumzi” 

Wanuri Kahiu’s short-film Pumzi is being set in a dystopic setting where the planet’s animated life-forms have been destroyed by human agencies. Yet it depicts how alternate agency generates new futureS. 

15:25 – 16:20 Double Key Note 

The keynotes by Alice Walla (Bayreuth University) and Dr. Oliver Nyambi (Alexander-von-Humboldt-Fellow at Bayreuth University) will delve into urgent challenges of the environmental crisis of our time. The keynotes by Prof. Walla from the perspective of philosophy and economics, Dr. Nyambi from literary studies approach the environmental crisis. 

Alice Walla  “Philosophy and the Climate Crisis: A Territorial Rights Approach”

Oliver Nyambi  “Signs of (and) climate crisis: the aesthetics of Wanuri Kahiu’s ecological pedagogics in Pumzi”

Chair: Shirin Assa

16:30 - 17:30 followed by Panel Discussion kNOWledge for FutureS – Environmentalism, Dystopia and Alternate Agencies

Pumzi will be discussed further in a panel discussion dedicated to further issues of the environmental crisis in general, featuring the keynote lecturers as well as the scholar of literature Shirin Assa. The panel discussion will be opened with a reading from Greta Thunberg’s No One is Too Small to Make a Difference (2019).

Shirin Assa, Dr. Oliver Nyambi & Alice Walla 
Chair: Xin Li 

17:30 – 18:30 Reading 
in cooperation with GeQuInDi

Dikko Muhammad
Mai’a Williams

Chair: Oliver Nyambi & Gilbert Ndi Shang 


13:00 – 16:00 Spielmobil & Wundersam anders

18:45 - 20:00 Inter-generational Workshop for Adults; 
The Thunberg Effect, Childism and Overheating
(in deutscher Sprache & English)

The Thunberg Effect is a boundary breaking bridge builder in an overheated early 21st century world. School strikes have opened the global public sphere for even kindergarten-going citizens’ environmental concerns to be publicly voiced. Listening to such micro complaints within a larger socio-economic context implies self-critical rethinking about what is globally desirable in the light of childhood i.e. through the perspective of Childism. This workshop, followed by a panel discussion, aims to sensitize adult audiences to start opening up to the philosophical complexities of children and childhood that beckon care in an overheated era. 

Workshop: Tanu Biswas 
Chair: Astrid Utler

20:00 - 20:15 Ausstellungseröffnung 
Imaginatorium Resistance. Images. Agency: Knowing the Future

Curator: Dilan Zoe Smida

20:20 Dinner


21:00 Spoken Word with open Mic

HipHop meets e-sounds, anger meets love, word meets music. As always, the Spoken Word Night grooves into the night, inviting to dance and muse into the festival’s agenda of rethinking knowledge against crisis.

BLESZ , Faten El Dabbaz, Musa Okwonga, & Kolade Igbasan 

Chair: Dilan Zoe Smida, Joyce Abla Sango & Tomupeishe Maphosa 
Saturday, 06. July 2019
Knowledges in Academia 
"Migration  'n Crisis"

The second day is dedicated to exploring how knowledge and narratives of crises obscure power constellations and global entanglements in the past, present and future. The term “refugee crisis” will be scrutinized and complemented with alternative knowledge for empathy and responsibility. In doing so, we try to grasp the whereabouts of the rise of racist populism and the New Right.


11:00 – 13:00 Double Keynote: Migration 'n Germany
in Cooperation with GeQuInDi

The keynotes are dedicated to exploring how knowledgeS and narratives of crises in academia generate agency, the ability to respond to crisis or reversely, the justifications to obscure them altogether. In doing so, the current debate about migration and the racism inherent in speaking of a refugee crisis as a threat to German identity is debated. Encarnación Rodriguez from the University of Giessen will talk about migration and caring within the European Union; Riem Spielhaus from the Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung will discuss the racist attitude of contemporary debates in the so-called refugee crisis.

Encarnación Rodriguez “Mourning and the Caring Common: Political Subjectivity and the EU Border and Migration Regime” (in cooperation with GeQuInDi, Intersektionalitätsforum I)

Chair: Mingqing Yuan

Riem Spielhaus “(The Functions of) Semantics of Crises: Europe, Refugees and Identities”

Chair: Shirin Assa

13:00 Lunch


13:00 – 16:00 Spielmobil & Wundersam anders

13:30 – 16:00 Erzählen ist Macht. Migration und Flucht in der deutschsprachigen Literatur
in Kooperation mit dem Chancengleichheitsprogramm der Universität Bayreuth (in deutscher Sprache)
(in deutscher Sprache mit Übersetzung in Arabisch und Farsi,
übersetzt ins Deutsche; and translated into English)

Die Anthologien HAYMATLOS und Das Herz verlässt keinen Ort, an dem es hängt enthalten Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten von Geflüchteten, die in Deutschland leben. Das Festival, das sich 2019 dem Thema Krise und Wissen stellt, wird sich auch mit Diskussionen über die so genannte „Flüchtlingskrise“ befassen – und erkunden, wieso Menschen in Deutschland Migration als Bedrohung/Krise erleben. Gleichzeitig wollen wir Gegenerzählungen einen Raum geben, die aus der Perspektive Geflüchteter von den Krisen erzählen, aus denen sie fliehen, und von den Erfahrungen, die sie seit ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland sammelten. Dabei wird auch Rassismus thematisiert und was es heißt, als Person of Colour in Deutschland zu leben. Davon erzählt auch dilops Roman Der Antrag.

Das Aufbrechen von dilop

HAYMATLOS gelesen von Mitherausgeber Tamer Düzyol

Das Herz verlässt keinen Ort, an dem es hängt vorgestellt von der Mitherausgeberin Caroline Assad und gelesen von den Autor*innen Lina Atfah & Rabab Haidar

Übersetzung/Translation: Mariam Youssef (Deutsch/Arabisch) & Negin Katal (Deutsch/Farsi)

Chair: Dilan Zoe Smida 

16:15 – 17:20 Podiumsdiskussion “FlüchtlingsKrise?” 
(in deutscher Sprache & English)

Die Podiumsdiskussion diskutiert aktuelle Debatten, die sich mit Flucht und/als Krise beschäftigen. 
/Building on the keynote lectures, the panel will discuss debates about flight and/as crisis.

Encarnación Rodriguez, Shadreck Chikoti, Numaira Khan, Evelina Kvartūnaité, Muhammed Alkhatib & Riem Spielhaus

Chair: Susan Arndt 

15:30 – 17:00 Kinderworkshop/Workshop with Children, Kinder schreiben für Kinder/Kids write for Kids 
(In deutscher Sprache und Englischer Sprache)
in Kooperation mit Takatuf e.V.

Kinder schreiben Kinderbücher über die Welt, die sie kennen; und lesen Geschichten von Kindern aus anderen Teilen der Welt; auch können Sie malen und/oder ihre Charaktere mit Knete modellieren. Insbesondere steht dabei der Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Tschad im Zentrum.

Kids write about the world they know, reading books from other parts of the world; also, they can paint or model their characters. The focus is on Germany and Tchad. 

Workshop: Katharina Fink, Marie-Anne Kohl & Ibrahim Mahamat Zene 



17:30 – 19:00 Knowledge, Crisis and the PoEthics of Theatre Intervention

This workshop will be an aesthetic process based on theatre of the Oppressed techniques (image theater,
legislative theater) to dialogue, to research on silence issues and words such as racism, eurocentrism, migration,
black power, to deconstruct some of the structural oppressions of everyday life. We invite participants to investigate social inclusion problems, racism, gender, social inequalities, from media, books, tv programs that have been part of the European society and has perpetuated racism, sexism and xenophobia.

Workshop:Anabela Rodriguez
Chair: Christine Matzke 

19:00 Dinner

20:00 Concert

Luna Simao 
Lina Sur & Ucy
MC: Tomupeishe Maphosa

Sunday, 07. July 2019
Knowledges & Response-Ability
Responsibility in Arts and Academia


11:00-12:00 Foundation of Podcast-Talk-Series “GeWissenSchafft*Activism”

Susan Arndt „Was die viel zu lange Geschichte des Rassismus mit der ‚Flüchtlingskrise‘ zu tun hat“

Tarik Tesfu „Rassismus den Stinkefinger zeigen! Eine Keynote vom Heimatminister der Herzen: Tarik Tesfu”

Chair: Dilan Zoe Smida

12:00-13:30 Intersektionalitätsforum II

Podiumsdiskussion Resistance, Empathy and Responsibility with:

Maya Ashash, Evelina Kvartūnaité, Musa Okwonga & Tarik Tesfu 

Chair: Tanu Biswas

13:00 – 16:00 Spielmobil & Wundersam anders

13:30 Lunch

14:15 – 15.30 Reading
in Cooperation with University of Bayreuth Graduate School

Shadreck Chikoti in Conversation with Mingqing Yuan and Xin Li 

Chair: Ute Fendler 

15.30 Family Picture


16:00-17:00 Schattenspiel/Shadow Theatre: Der kleine schwarze Fisch

Es war in der vierzigsten Winternacht, in der Tiefe des Sees, dort hatte ein alter Fisch 12000 seiner Kinder und Enkel-kinder um sich versammelt, um ihnen ein Märchen zu erzählen: Es war einmal ein kleiner schwarzer Fisch. Er lebte mit seiner Mutter in einem Bach. Eines frühen Morgens, die Sonne war noch nicht aufgegangen, da weckte er seine Mutter und sagte: »Mutter, ich muss fort. Ich will heraus-finden, wo das Ende des Baches ist.«

Sepidar Theatre Group

Chair: Veronika Rudolf

17:00 - 18:15 Book Presentation

Täuschung des weißen Blicks. Rassismussensible Strategien für eine ideologiekritische Filmanalyse (2018) by Julia Dittmann

Fictioning Namibia as a Space of Desire. (2018) by Renzo Baas 

Life-Writing from the Margins in Zimbabwe: Versions and Subversions of Crisis (2019) by Oliver Nyambi

Chair: Aminata Mbaye

18:30 -19:00 Griotage with Ana & Pi

19:00 Farewell Music 

by Saba Duet; A Duet in Dastgâh
Chahargah. The official closing of the festival with Alireza Mehdizadeh on Kamancheh and Jawad Salkhordeh on Tombak. Dastgâh is multi-modal music system/suite of Persian classical music which defines the foundation of improvisation. It gives a dynamic modal environment to create and develop the improvisation owned by the musician. This program will be played in so called Dastgâh Chahargah. The set is a duet of Kamanche (Persian spike fiddle) and Tombak (Persian globet Percussion) a Persian goblet percussion.

19:45 Dinner

20:00 After Party @ Subkultür Kämmerreigasse 9 1/2

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